



October 3, 2015

Initiated by:


Endorsed by:

Pam Benoit |执行副校长兼教务长

Approved by:

Roderick J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. Overview

    There shall be no discrimination against any person in employment or educational opportunities because of race, color, religion, age, ethnicity, national origin, national ancestry, sex, pregnancy, gender, 性别认同或表达, sexual orientation, 退伍军人服役或退伍军人身份, 精神或身体残疾, 或者遗传信息, 除非本保单有明确规定.

    University faculty, staff, students, 或者,志愿者不得对根据本政策作出受保护的披露的人进行报复.

  2. 禁止的行为

    1. Discrimination

      当一个人或一群人被剥夺权利时,就会发生歧视, benefits, 公平的待遇, 或者因为是受保护阶层的成员而可以使用所有其他人都可以使用的项目或设施. Members of protected classes have historically been denied access to or are underrepresented in educational and employment opportunities and are protected from discrimination by federal and state civil rights law, 或者部分列出的大学政策 (A) of this policy.

    2. Harassment

      Harassment is defined as conduct that is directed towards a person or a group of persons on the basis of any protected class listed in part (A) 本政策,即:

      1. Severe enough to deny or limit participation in or full benefit of employment or educational opportunity at Ohio university; or

      2. Severe or pervasive enough to create a work or educational environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.

      Ohio university recognizes harassment as a form of unlawful discrimination that can be a barrier to access to educational or employment opportunity.

    3. Sexual misconduct

      newbb电子平台关于性行为不端的政策,包括性骚扰,在政策中有所规定 03.004.

    4. Retaliation

      报复被定义为大学采取的不利行动或不利行动的威胁, or member thereof, 在回应一个人谁, in good faith, 通过以下方式进行本政策下受保护的披露:

      1. reporting suspected discriminatory or harassing conduct to a supervisor or appropriate university official;

      2. filing a complaint under federal or state law or university policy that prohibits discrimination or harassment;

      3. participating in an investigation or proceeding under this policy; or

      4. opposing educational or employment practices that the person reasonably believes discriminate against persons or groups of people in violation of university policies.

      University faculty, staff, students, or volunteers may not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the official authority or influence of their positions or offices for the purpose of interfering with the right of a person to make a protected disclosure to the person's immediate supervisor or other appropriate administrator or supervisor within the operating unit, 或其他适当的大学官员就本政策范围内的事项.

    5. 范围限制

      Petty slights, annoyances, 和个别事件(除非严重)的粗鲁, uncivil, or non-collegial behavior will generally not rise to the level of violation of policy and should be addressed to a supervisor. 监管权力的合法行使, 包括监督, evaluation, 并要求遵守绩效标准, conduct, and safety, 不得视为歧视, harassment, 或者在这个政策下进行报复.

  3. Policy application

    1. Responsibility

      这是大学全体成员——教师的责任, staff, and students — to create and maintain an employment and educational environment that is free of discrimination. The responsibility of overseeing the university's compliance with this policy has been delegated by the president of the university to the director of equity and civil rights compliance. The office of equity and civil rights compliance ("ECRC") is responsible for investigating all complaints of discrimination and harassment that are based on any status protected by federal or state law, 或部分列出的大学政策 (A) 这一政策,以及对报复的投诉,因为它涉及到这一政策的部分描述 (B)(4) of this policy.

    2. 提出申诉的权利

      Any member of the university community who believes that he or she has been discriminated against or harassed on the basis of any status protected by federal or state law, 或部分列出的大学政策 (A) ,可向本中心提出投诉. Any person who believes that he or she has been retaliated against for a protected disclosure under this policy may report to the ECRC.

    3. 配合调查

      A complainant is expected to actively provide information that will support his or her complaint in the time and manner deemed necessary and appropriate by the university to conduct the investigation. Failure to cooperate with the investigation process in a timely manner may compromise the university's ability to conduct an investigation and address allegations fully. Third parties may file a complaint on behalf of a person whom they believe has been adversely affected by conduct in violation of this policy. All employees and students are required to participate and cooperate with investigations as required by the ECRC.

      收到的与备案有关的信息, investigation, and resolution of allegations will be treated as confidential except to the extent it is necessary to disclose particulars in the course of the investigation or when compelled to do so by law. All persons involved in the process should observe the same standard of discretion and respect for the privacy of persons involved in the process.

    4. 匿名投诉

      匿名投诉 will be accepted; however, Ohio university may be limited in its ability to investigate or resolve anonymous complaints because our ability to obtain additional information may be compromised.

      If the anonymous complaint contains sufficiently detailed information about conduct that would constitute a crime, 然后将投诉转交给newbb电子平台警察局. If the anonymous complaint contains sufficiently detailed information about conduct that would constitute a violation of this policy, 委员会会尽其所能,解决受影响的规划单位所关注的问题. 有关如何调查或解决骚扰投诉或报告的详细信息, contact the ECRC.

    5. Student conduct

      Some conduct described in this policy may also be subject to educational disciplinary processes pursuant to Ohio university's "Student Code of Conduct" as set forth at http://0h.jfrx.net/communitystandards/.

  4. Affirmative action

    Ohio university will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons who possess appropriate qualification for employment. In addition, it is the policy of the university to undertake affirmative action to promote equal opportunity for employment, 符合其作为联邦承包商的义务, 少数族裔和女性, 残疾人士, 对于有保险的退伍军人. 符合联邦法规和newbb电子平台的规定 平权行动政策, an annual written affirmative action plan shall be prepared and maintained by Ohio university and made available for public inspection.



  1. Faculty Senate

  2. 行政参议院

  3. 平等机会和无障碍主任

  4. Deans

  5. 主席及董事

  6. 总人力资源主任